Friday Fictioneers: TO BE A GIRL

Today’s Friday Fictioneers story is a bit on the sobering side, but I have some excellent news after the story, so please, read through to the end…


PHOTO PROMPT –© Dawn Q. Landau

To Be a Girl (100 words)

You don’t know what it’s like to be a girl.

How they raise you on Amber Alerts and CSI, tell you ponytails are abductors’ handles, give you a can of mace, but blame you if anything goes awry.

“You shouldn’t a’worn leggings, ya know?”

So I walk with boots ready to kick and an arsenal of weapons on my back. Fear follows like a dog, and I’m not always sure he’s on my side.

Our eyes met before you crossed to the other side. You’ll never know what it’s like to be a girl, and I’ll never know your name.

And now for the wonderful, exciting, fantabulous news….

My debut novel,


is available for preorder on Amazon Kindle!

Feel free to share that link with all your friends and family!

Print edition coming soon.

Check out my Facebook Page for updates as we near the release day of March 17, 2015.

Friday Fictioneers (n): A world-wide community of writers addicted to writing 100 word stories based on a photo prompt provided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. 

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10 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: TO BE A GIRL

  1. Excellent! I read it several times to enjoy the voice, which was truly convincing. Great line about ponytails being abductors’ handles. Congrats on your book, too.

  2. Shame how much we miss out on because of fear, and yet. Is it better to be safe than sorry? There is another story in there somewhere.

  3. Wow. Great piece.
    Must always be ready to face the world, and doubly so as a woman (I liked the line that “I’m not always sure that he’s – the dog – on my side” ) – but always being on the defensive has a cost in missed opportunity – n’est pas?

  4. Wonderful news about your book and a wonderful story. I wish there weren’t so much truth in it, though, even though I think the fear she feels is more than she needs to feel. However, the media certainly makes it easy for people to feel constant fear these days. I’m so glad I grew up with I never felt like that!


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