Friday Fictioneers – A Brief Lesson in Economics


Photo Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

A Brief Lesson in Economics

The dusty, weathered shelves hung in sharp contrast to the shiny mahogany paneling. Ignoring the man at the desk, Basil scanned the shelves’ contents: crayons, Monopoly pieces, a keychain Etch-a-Sketch. His gaze rested on an old shape-sorter in the top left-hand cubby.

“Ah, you recognize your old playthings.” The man’s voice was deep and smooth as chocolate pudding.

“I want them back.” Basil glanced at the nameplate on the desk. “Mr. Templetorn.”

“Of course you do.” August Templetorn smiled knowingly. “There is, you understand, a price for what you want. Everything has a price, you know. Even you, Basil.”


Previously on Basil: Basil Thistlethorn’s Curious Reception



Friday Fictioneers (n): A world-wide community of writers addicted to writing 100 word stories based on a photo prompt provided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

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