Friday Fictioneers Double Dose – The Perfect Dress & Always the Bride

I feel I ought to apologize for going all sappy on you all today, but this is how it came to me this morning… 🙂

Copyright - John Nixon

Photo Copyright – John Nixon

The Perfect Dress

Times are tough when a lady sells her wedding dress, but they’d eaten through the leanest of months. He stared at the gown in the thrift store window – the same one, down to the wine stain on the hem, that she’d worn half a century earlier.

She’d always said there was no sense in wasting money on fancy clothes, but it was only $50. He’d always said one ceremony was enough, but maybe it was time.

It overwhelmed Esther’s withered frame, but her eyes shone as brightly as they had half a century earlier when Ike leaned down to kiss his bride.

AND, for the sake of redeeming myself after the sap above, here’s a bonus story based on the same photo:

Always the Bride

There was a certain genius in his plan. She was on display, forever the bride she so longed to be, and he was free to water his grass in peace. So long as her children didn’t come looking for her – and they hadn’t visited in all the years she’d been his neighbor – he was in the clear. Even if they did ask questions, he’d been found innocent of sorcery years ago.

He tapped the last of her essence from his cane and shuffled out the door of the thrift store.

“Always the bride,” he chuckled to himself.


Friday Fictioneers (n): A world-wide community of writers addicted to writing 100 word stories based on a photo prompt provided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

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21 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers Double Dose – The Perfect Dress & Always the Bride

    • Yeah, I kind of want to go back and write some horrific paranormal thing in which… I don’t know… the ghost bride won’t let her groom go or the old man has trapped his unfaithful bride in the mannequin or something. I really hope someone decided to scare the socks off all of us.

  1. Dear Lisa,

    I liked the first story very much. Orfeo would be proud, yea, even ecstatic, at your work. (Read A Soldier of the Great War by Mark Helprin for clarification.) The second offering was sorcerific but did not cast the same spell as your first.



    • Thanks, Doug. I haven’t read A Soldier of the Great War, but it looks like a poignant sort of story. Thank you, too, for being honest about the second story’s shortcomings. I didn’t take much time to develop it, and rereading it… meh. I can see why it cast no spell. Ah, well… such is life. 🙂

    • Thanks, Jan! (Even though I just told Doug I can see why #2 didn’t cast a spell over him). I do think it’s a fun idea, but maybe it should have been better developed… Anyhow, thanks for reading!

  2. Needed help from the dictionary to get the second story – really spooky. For me as a German it´s not so easy to read between the lines – I liked both stories and it´s great that you wrote two totally different versions on the theme.
    ,Regards from Germany.

  3. It’s a lovely story! (The sappy one)! And well written. There are a lot of wedding dresses in second hand shops these days – as contemporary marriages tend to last only a few years.

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